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A Philip, MD, PhD: Select publications
Select publications
Andre T et al; Multicenter International Study of Oxaliplatin/5-Fluorouracil/Leucovorin
in the Adjuvant Treatment of Colon Cancer (MOSAIC) Investigators.
Oxaliplatin, fluorouracil, and leucovorin
as adjuvant treatment for colon cancer. N
Engl J Med 2004;350(23):2343-51. Abstract
Cassidy J et al. Analysis of post-study
chemotherapy in patients (pts) enrolled in the X-ACT phase
III trial of capecitabine (X) vs bolus 5-FU/LV as adjuvant
therapy for Dukes’ C
colon cancer: No differences in treatment arms that could
influence survival outcome. Proc
ASCO 2005;Abstract 3586.
Cassidy J et al. Capecitabine (X)
vs bolus 5-FU/leucovorin (LV) as adjuvant therapy for colon
cancer (the X-ACT study): Efficacy results of a phase III
trial. Proc ASCO 2004;Abstract
Giantonio BJ et al. High-dose bevacizumab
in combination with FOLFOX4 improves survival in patients
with previously treated advanced colorectal cancer: Results
from the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) study
E3200. Proc ASCO
GI Cancers Symposium 2005;Abstract
Saltz LB et al. Irinotecan plus fluorouracil
and leucovorin for metastatic colorectal cancer. Irinotecan
Study Group. N Engl J Med 2000;343(13):905-14. Abstract
Twelves C et al. Updated efficacy
findings from the X-ACT phase III trial of capecitabine
(X) vs bolus 5-FU/LV as adjuvant therapy for patients (pts)
with Dukes’ C colon cancer. Proc
ASCO 2005;Abstract
Vaishampayan UN et al. A single-institution
experience with concurrent capecitabine and radiation therapy
in gastrointestinal malignancies. Int
J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2002;53(3):675-9.